The true account of the injustices committed against Felicity Jane Lowde in 2006 - 2008 and associated matters


Felicity Jane Lowde is a victim of a very serious series of injustices which occured in 2006 - 2008 and beyond.

This page, published since 2007, is in place to counter false allegations made in 2007 which are still being distrributed in the media. This page exists to inform the public properly and to counter false information. 

This page was posted on the Internet after Felicity Lowde had endured a great deal of abuse from the people described here, as a last resort necessity.  It has helpfully served as a protective fence against the worst that the abusive people described her constantly inflict.

It’s not possible to print all the file documents relating to the 2007 court case on the Internet. 

A photograph of innocent victim Felicity Jane Lowde on her Oxford Brookes graduation day when she qualified as a mature student with Joint Honours BSc French Language, French Contemporary Studies with Literature, and Psychology.

Another photograph of innocent victim Felicity Jane Lowde:

 Felicity Lowde is obviously not responsible for anyone else going to the press or the media before, during or after 2007. Felicity Lowde has never run to the media about anywhat whoseover. She has principles.

This web page is the only reliable source of information about the 2007 Felicity Lowde case on the Internet and in the public domain. However the information here is inevitably limited to an extent, due to ongoing research and court matters. 

In early 2007 Felicity Lowde was charged with the small charge of Harassment 2 on the basis of flase allegations made against her. In April 2007 she was convicted of this offence in absentia (meaning, in her absence). Felicity could not attend the 2007 court case after being medically diagnosed with exhaustion. Felicity was convicted on the basis of disgraceful lies that a notorious false accuser told to the police and the court. In Felicity’s absence, she was found guilty for no reason. Abusive court orders were made during sentencing and attached to the 2007 conviction.

A significant part of Felicity’s life has been stolen by ruthless and ambitious criminally minded liars.
The effects of an unjustified and unsafe conviction on a person’s life are always very significant, So are the effects of rampages against vulnerable people conducted by the abusive British press and media. During the seventeen years that Felicity has been a victim of injustice, financial Legal Aid was removed by the Tory Government for most aspects of appeals cases. Victims of abuses of the Justice system have been unable to finance their appeal cases. Appeals cases are extremely expensive, well beyond the capacity of most individuals. Hence, the many years in Felicity's life without a solution to the miscarriage of justice.

During the past seventeen years, Felicity Lowde has frequently been prey to ruthless people seeking to steal her creative History of Art and case story work. She has also been prey to people stealing aspects of her personal identity, family history life story. She has frequently been abused by ruthless people who have been exploiting her personal, social and legal vulnerability. Such people have arrogantly acted as though Felicity has no legal rights at all. Felicity has seen the very worst of human nature in this respect.

Details in respect of some of the serious abuses committed against Felicity Lowde are found on this page linked, also a page on this blog

The British press and media are particularly corrupt and vicious, and so are people who liaise with them.

The wrongful conviction of 2007 and the persecution of Felicity Jane Lowde disrespects not just herself, but all the genuine victims of the events of 7/7 2005. 

VERY INTERESTING blog pages have appeared on the Internet since the malicious court case against Felicity of 2007: for example HERE (these bloggers recently state that they are moving to WordPress due to updates and significant further information they wish to publish). Mindful of legal situations, we don’t print the name of the blog we link to here but we recommend it.

The formal Harassment 2 allegation against Felicity Lowde detailed on the charge sheet relating to the 2007 court case is very small, and would certainly never get to court in the present day. It consists of Crown Prosecution Service allegations made on behalf of the notorious female pathological liar from North London who told disgraceful lies and false stories about Felicity to the police (and later to the press and media). The allegations in the charge sheet written by the Crown Prosecution Service mostly consist of accusing Felicity of complaining about being harassed and abused by the notorious liar (female) and people she was associating with. By law, Felicity had a perfect right to complain about the notorious liar and her associates who were all harassing her in fact.
Felicity was not in any way threatening or abusive during any of her social media publications during the time period stated on the charge sheet. She at no stage initiated any social media communications during that time; she has never behaved inappropriately. 

In 2007 Felicity Lowde pleaded Not Guilty to the charge of Harassment 2 and she has maintained her innocence ever since. Felicity has been convicted of no offence or crime between the April 2007 Harassment 2 conviction and 2024.

In 2007 Felicity Lowde was victim of a horrific rampage against her in the British mainstream press and media whose offices are based in London. She was also a victim of a horrific rampage conducted by the Oxford Mail, a disreputable and villainous tabloid run by criminally minded people.  Press and media reports relating to Felicity’s 2007 case and to herself are entirely fictitious; they contain shocking, malicious lies. The press and media rampages Felicity has endured are typical of abusive British press and media at their utmost worst, and equally typical of those of corrupt inclination who profiteer from them. The corrupt British press and media are persecutors who always have an agenda that disregards the truth. The corrupt British press and media act in breach of aspects of the Harassment and Stalking Acts all the time. 

In 2004 -2006, Felicity was researching sensitive case material and History of Art. Her research activity incorporated special access to material held at the National Archives, at the Tate Gallery Archives, at Royal Archives abroad in Europe and at Archives containing material undisclosed to the public at Special Branch police research centres which are usually only used by Special Branch police and MI5. Since this 2004 – 2006 time, Felicity has been extending her research to include numerous Art Galleries and diverse resources, and her work continues to make fabulous progress in her creative History of Art and case story work.
Felicity Lowde and her family have been has been subjected to continuous press and media abuse since 2007.

During the course of Felicity’s research time as a guest history researcher at offices provided by Special Branch she had access to historical documents – the now much talked of Special Branch Ledgers which contain detailed referencing to Special Branch activity of the 1880s. As well as containing matters of historical interest, these ledgers happen to contain sensitive information about a number of Special Branch police informants in respect of 19th Century Ireland matters. The informant’s names are historical and of minimal importance compared to the quality of historical debate that results from them. There is no reason for Special Branch police to continue to withhold these ledger documents from the public.

Felicity Lowde was living in Oxford in 2006.
In late 2006, Felicity was arrested on the basis of two separate complaints made; the first complaint was made by Daniel James Hart, a convicted serial violent stalker and an absolute liar; the second complaint was made by the notorious liar (female), a woman from North London whose allegations were taken up by the Crown Prosecution Service. A corrupted Crown Prosecution Service charged and prosecuted Felicity in 2007.

Daniel James Hart and the notorious female liar from North London conspired together to pervert the course of justice. 

In October 2006, on the orders of an abusive police officer named Sergeant Colin Brooker of Thames Valley Police, Felicity Lowde was arrested on the basis of malicious, false allegations made by Daniel James Hart, a graphic designer from Lye Valley, Headington, in Oxford who ran a company website named Inspiragraphics. (As of 2021, Daniel Hart is living in Birmingham and says he no longer runs his Inspiragraphics website).  Daniel James Hart’s false allegations against Felicity Lowde were later dismissed by investigating police and the Crown Prosecution Service. Daniel James Hart, who had been harassing and stalking Felicity for months prior to making his false allegations to police, falsely accused Felicity of writing anonymous blogs about the harassment and abuse she was receiving from him at the time. In fact Felicity had not written any blogs outside of her well known diary blog titled Streams of Consciousness (That blog has since been taken down.)  Conversely, Daniel Hart had been writing and publishing blogs; he wrote appalling and threatening and obscene blogs directed at Felicity. 

The October 2006 arrest of Felicity Lowde by Thames Valley Police on the basis of Daniel Hart's false allegations was conducted in a highly abusive manner designed to bully and intimidate her.  

Felicity’s computer containing interesting and valuable research work was seized on the basis of Daniel James Hart’s false allegations against her during the 2006 arrest.

Sergeant Colin Brooker is now retired. His LinkedIn Page may be the one seen here (with a comment that he retired from active policing in 2015, the year that Daniel James Hart began to be arrested for multiple offences, which was a breakthrough for his many victims.) It appears that Sergeant Colin Brooker was shielding Daniel James Hart from being arrested for his crimes between 2006 and 2015 in order to advance his own career in the police. Sergeant Colin Brooker doesn’t mention any rank higher than Sergeant in his LinkedIn page  and it may be that other ranks he assumed during his time at Thames Valley Police were ‘stand in’ roles. Although he boasts about himself a great deal on his LinkedIn page, he only has three connections. Obviously, Sergeant Colin Brooker should not be anywhere near families, children, animals, single women, old people, people in training or anyone or anything else vulnerable. For reasons apparent. 

In mid 2006, a while before she knew he was a convicted domestic abuser and a violent stalker and devious liar, Felicity asked Oxford based Daniel James Hart to put together a blog post background for her with his professional graphics facility. She had seen his professional work as graphics designer advertised on the Internet on his Inspiragraphics website. Felicity’s request was based on reading Daniel James Hart’s graphics credentials which he had posted on his Inspiragraphics website. She’d had no knowledge of him previously. 

The beautiful 2006 - 2008 background on Felicity Lowde's blog 'Stream of Consciousness' was entirely Felicity’s design, facilitated by Daniel James Hart’s graphics training and application which Felicity bought and paid for.

In mid 2006, Daniel James Hart began an aggressive criminal campaign against Felicity by cyberstalking her, physically stalking her and maliciously harassing her. Daniel James Hart's horrible harassment campaign began in the early days of the professional relationship, and continued onwards throughout the brief time that Felicity employed him, and on afterwards for a while. Daniel James Hart's behaviour began during the course of the professional relationship, during which time he boasted about his criminal record for domestic abuse which involved throwing an Oxford woman down the stairs at his home.  Daniel James Hart told Felicity that police had been called to his house on the occasion he threw his ex girlfriend down the stairs. During the course of their brief professional relationship, Daniel James Hart repeatedly sent Felicity sketches and paintings he’d made of women being assaulted, raped, sodomised and murdered, who were often depicted as bleeding. One female he’d painted was bleeding right through a mattress onto a floor. Felicity has retained all the evidence from those times. Daniel James Hart would repeatedly ring Felicity up while drunk or in what he describes as a “head state”, making abusive suggestions: these telephone calls could take place at any time including the early hours of the morning. He would also put up numerous blogs aimed at intimidating Felicity; these blogs were full of hatred, abuse, obscenity and death threats. Daniel James Hart would send Felicity anonymous letters through the mail making false claims and serious threats, and he would send her abusive death threats over the internet. He would hack her Art History blog via machiavellian means he’d constructed while working for her. He would access her blog dashboard and eradicate her pictures and designs, replacing them with foul images of people being massacred or defecating in outdoor toilets and graffitied toilets. At one stage he sent her threats to poison her, then invaded her blog management space and replaced her blog’s title ‘Streams of Consciousness’ with various foul and disgusting titles. At this point in 2006 it was already clear that Daniel James Hart was suited to a long stay at Ashworth or Broadmoor psychiatric Hospital in an isolation unit, but due to his social deviousness, authorities were not properly responsive and they failed to protect people from him.

Between September 2006 and October 2006 Sergeant Colin Brooker of Thames Valley Police (then a Sergeant) frequently liaised with PC Weinert of Stoke Newington Police who was speaking to him about false allegations that were being made in North London by the notorious female liar who was closely liaising with Daniel James Hart. Officer Colin Brooker frequently telephoned Felicity during this time asking her to ‘come and have a chat’ with himself and Daniel James Hart: Felicity refused this invitation due to Daniel James Hart’s alarming and distressing ongoing harassment and stalking of her. Conversely, Daniel James Hart did turn up to this meeting with Sergeant Colin Brooker, and there he told lies about his behaviour (like he usually does). During this time Sergeant Colin Brooker also liaised with Special Branch police in relation to historical research material that Felicity had photographed while working on Special Branch police archives, which were, at that time, on the hard drives of her computers at her house in Oxford.

Throughout the period of summer 2006, Felicity spoke to  Sergeant Colin Brooker of Thames valley Police expressing her unhappiness with the situation, communicating detail about it to this police officer and presenting evidence. However her requests for help were categorically ignored by this corrupt police officer. (We believe it is corrupt to strategically ignore victims' requests for help).

Throughout August 2006, Sargeant Colin Brooker of Thames Valley Police was approached by, and began liaising with, Special Branch police, who were interested in persuading Felicity to return to them photographs of historical documents were on the hard drives of her computers at her home in Oxford. These photographs related to Felicity’s Art and history research. Felicity did not return these photographs because she felt that the public deserved to see them. She retained her own personal original photographs of historical Special Branch material which she still considerately and carefully uses in her creative History of Art and case story work to this day.

As well as being shielded by corrupt Oxford police officer Colin Brooker, from 2007 to 2011/2012, Daniel James Hart was also shielded by his then girlfriend, one Fleur Kinson. Fleur Kinson is what’s described as an ’enabler.’ Daniel James Hart denies that Fleur Kinson ever once reported him to police, and has since claimed that in 2016 she hated Saad (another of Daniel James Hart’s victims), and assaulted him by spitting in his face. Daniel James Hart’s 2007 – 2011/2012 girlfriend’s full name is Fleur Kinson, and according to her public Linked In page, she is currently working at Chatham House, Taylor and Francis,  as a copy editor for academic journals. Her LinkedIn page also describes her as a contributor at Italia Magazine and at Business Destinations Magazine. She’s also described in her LinkedIn page as a magazine journalist at Where to Go in Italyand at What to Buy In Italy.  When she met Daniel James Hart she was working as a contributor at Italianicious Magazine apparently. According to the academics listing she studied Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics at Oxford. She’s written a travel book titled Bolsena, Everything You Need to Know.

In October 2016 a report emerged in the Oxford Times of Daniel James Hart being convicted of breaching a restraining order attached to a conviction for stalking a woman in Stonesfield, Oxfordshire and of him being convicted of breaching a restraining order attached to a conviction for stalking another woman in Bourton on the Water. ‘Daniel Hart, 43, of Lye Valley, Oxford, admitted breaching a restraining order by sending emails to a woman in Stonesfield on October 12 and by sending emails to a woman in Bourton-on-the-Water in Gloucestershire between July 31 and October 13. Ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £30 and £85 costs.’ A further report of Daniel being convicted for stalking and harassing, this time harassing and stalking a male, in late 2016 here. ‘Daniel James Hart, 43, of Lye Valley, Oxford, admitted harassing Saad Qureshi to fear that violence would be used against him via text messages and emails between August 12 and September 6. Committed to prison for six weeks suspended for 12 months. Restraining order made not to contact directly or indirectly Saad Qureshi and not go to an address on Asquith Road, Oxford, for any reason. Order lasts until November 20 2018. Ordered to pay victim surcharge of £115 and costs of £85’. 

Daniel James Hart, also known as Daniel Hart or Dan Hart, (sometimes passes as Dee Jay Hart) is in this photograph.

One of Daniel James Hart’s own photographs, he seems to have taken it in a probation officetoilet. A public domain photograph (he has aged a bit since this photograph was taken).

By his own admission, in 2001 Daniel James Hart was convicted of the crime of Assault and Battery, in other words battering women. In public (including on the Internet), Daniel James Hart tries to make light of this, claiming it was nothing at all, however in late 2001 he was found guilty on the basis of a Guilty Plea he entered and handed a Restraining Order, so it can’t have been nothing at all.  Offences against the Person (CPS) here. (Daniel James Hart’s first Assault and Battery conviction was not disclosed to Felicity Lowde’s solicitors in  2006 and 2007).

In 2014 and 2015 Daniel James Hart maintained a brief relationship with an artistic lady named Isabel de Vasconcellos who has extensive Art History and Curator experience. During this time Daniel James Hart told Isabel his usual storylines about how hard done by he is, complete with loud, acted out lamenting and totally unrealistic crocodile tears (all part of his MO when meeting a person.) However the short lived relationship between Daniel James Hart and Isabel de Vasconcellos was a dreadful time for Isabel due to Daniel James Hart’s increasing verbal abuse and violence. After Isabel de Vasconcellos finished with Daniel James Hart, he began to stalk her repeatedly. According to Daniel James Hart he was constantly arrested by both the Metropolitan Police and Thames Valley Police during this period of time. Daniel James Hart received a police caution in respct of his conduct towards Isabella, and subsequetly a police charge, for stalking Isabel, threatening Isabel with acts of violence and carrying out threats of violence towards her. Isabel obtained a conviction and a Restraining Order against Daniel James Hart at the Crown Court, and part of the Order was that Daniel James Hart was never again to enter Bethnal Green (where Isabel lives) in London, and by extension, never again to go into the entire borough of Tower Hamlets. Isabel sought refuge in her friend Saad Qureshi, a successful artist recommended by Oxford University. This apparently antagonised Daniel James Hart, and he resolved to “teach Saad a lesson”. After sending Saad a plethora of threatening emails, Daniel James Hart was again arrested and convicted of the harassment of Saad Qureshi, and of stalking him and sending him death threats. At the Crown Court a Restraining Order and Suspended Sentence were imposed on him. Shortly after the trial wherein Daniel James Hart was convicted of harassing, stalking and threatening Saad, Daniel James Hart – who takes no notice of any judge whomsoever – resolved to ‘spring’ Saad at a cemetery. After setting Saad up at a cemetery, arranging a meeting by pretending to be someone else, Daniel crept among the graves, attacked Saad from behind and held his head in a headlock, trying to crush it. He wrenched Saad’s glasses from him and crushed them into smithereens with his foot, threatening to do the same to his body. Luckily poor Saad had a witness with him, his cousin, who called the police. Three police cars arrived at speed and Daniel James Hart was arrested. This was a top end breach of Restraining Order and the Crown Court Judges reacted accordingly. Daniel James Hart was sentenced for the assault on Saad Qureshi and for breach of a Restraining Order and was sent to Bullingdon Prison, a High Security Prison which only takes category A, B and C. At this time, the Sub Editor of Private Eye Magazine correctly denounced Daniel James Hart as a psycho stalker stating that to his certain knowledge Daniel James Hart was a ‘dangerous individual’ and a ‘so-called graphics designer’ who was ‘stalking and harassing numerous women’. This sub editor advised all women ‘unfortunate enough to encounter Daniel’ to ‘block him forthwith’.

Daniel James Hart learned no lessons from the custodial sentence he received in respect of his crimes towards Isobel de Vasconcellos and Saad Qureshi. He got into constant problems in jail. He kept razorblades and knives in his cell room, smashed television sets and hung them from the ceiling, and fabricated stories about male guards whispering through his cell window at night (prison guards are not outside  the cells at night) and female guards cussing at him through the cell latch. Daniel James Hart says that while in Bullingdon prison he painted his cell walls and painted his cell ceiling blue as a “punk art protest” for which he was summoned to the governor. He says “I did this not because I’m a lunatic, but as a protest statement.” (As it would be difficult to achieve such a wall and ceiling painting exercise in prison, there is speculation about the veracity of this particular claim). Daniel James Hart’s cell mate (a man who according to Daniel had smashed his girlfriend’s head into a TV set) mysteriously died by hanging.

Daniel James Hart conducted a psycho-campaign of love bombing of a Stonesfield (Oxfordshire) lady called Carrie, who obtained a Restraining Order against him on account of his behaviour which had quickly degenerated into harassment, stalking and violence during their time together. Daniel James Hart had been a 'family acquaintance' of Carrie's and her husband Mike Stanley's previously. Carrie was (by the time she and Daniel James Hart were together) apparently the widow of successful artist Mike Stanley, who reportedly committed suicide alone in a garden in 2012. Mike Stanley reportedly hung himself from a tree, and his widow Carrie felt that his suicide was most unlike him. Writing on his Youtube channel '200Reflections', Daniel James Hart has put detailed comment about Mike Stanley’s death scene into the public domain, such as for example the precise position of the hanging body and head when Mike hung himself, reflected in windows in surrounding architecture. Daniel James Hart says that the reason for his Internet handle '200Reflections' is that Mike Stanley’s dead hanging body was reflected in windows of surrounding buildings. Due to Daniel James Hart’s consecutive violent stalking behaviour towards Carrie and her family, Carrie and her mother both obtained Restraining Orders against him and he was again sentenced to serving time at Bullingdon Prison, for the crime and again for breaching these Restraining Orders.

Daniel Hart always pleads Guilty at court, so his protest act and his claims about police corruption in his own personal cases are a complete farce.  If you’re innocent and you think there’s been police corruption in respect of your case, then you plead Not Guilty, obviously. The ‘trial’ part of Daniel’s court appearances always consists of mitigation submissions (which are never accepted) and barristers’ and judges’ requests for psychiatric reports. 

As well as being sent to a High Security prison more than twice, Daniel James Hart has also spent four spates in serious psychiatric hospitals, taking anti psychotic medication. He is said to be suffering from a combination of Psychopathy and Violent Paranoid Schizophrenia, (we have not seen the extensive psychiatrists' medical records). 

Despite the records of his stays in mental institutions, Daniel James Hart is a very manipulative criminal who in his dialogue minimalises his own actions and tells lies about his own actions. He also tells pathological lies about other people and their actions, he is continually making crazy false allegations. Often, while committing horrible acts in one place, he puts on a show of self pity and tears in another place, trying to get people on his side. Daniel Hart's tears are crocodile tears. One of his favourite themes us how hard done by he is, which is complete nonsense. His dialogue is often very irrational, full of shouting episodes. During his shouting episodes he often makes threats to kill to Felicity Lowde, screaming die, die die! etc. He often broadcasts his shouting episodes on social media. While ranting and shouting in these broadcasts, he has expressed his opinion that Felicity should die a slow and agonising death, that she should die of starvation on the streets, that she should be incarcerated in a cold concrete cell with no food and water, and he has also expressed (ranting and shouting in these broadcasts)  that she should be blasted by a bomb.  He has also threatened others in this way.

Daniel James Hart is very focused on trying to discredit his victims. 

Daniel James Hart’s parents want nothing to do with him, according to him.

Part of Daniel James Hart’s MO is that he stalks and abuses while falsely accusing. 

In March and April 2021, Daniel James Hart again put crazed and entirely false allegations about Feliciy Lowde into the public domain, having been been aggressively stalking her since 2006. Ever since Daniel James Hart started stalking and harassing her in 2006, Felicity has never contacted him, and has never sought to have anything to do with him. Conversely, Daniel Hart has conducted a constant campaign of harassment and stalking with threats of violence, often publishing blogs containing his threats of violence and his appalling and obscene pictures. He is well known for violence combined with grotesque obscenity. 

In 2021 Daniel James Hart sent the following series of abusive, vicious, threatening messages to one of our wordpress blogs, levelling his discourse at Felicity Lowde, presuming we would show them to her. 0These absuive messages are shown below). One of the messages is replete with crazy false allegations; another falsely predicts she is going to prison again. Observe the way that in the messages Daniel James Hart pretends that he has only just seen the material he stole from Felicity's home in 2007. We are not impressed by Daniel James Hart's threatening rants or deceived by parts of the content of his messages that we are supposed to be deceived by. 'Streams of Diarrhoea' was one of the repellent titles Daniel James Hart put on Felicity's beautiful 2006-2007 blog when he was attacking her from within her blog administration before she cut him off.

When Felicity Lowde spoke on the phone to Daniel James Hart in 2006, shortly before he started harassing and stalking her, he told her on the phone about the girlfriend he’d had in late 2001 who had got out an order against him for beating her, raping her, sodomising her, and throwing her down the stairs. Daniel James Hart explained to Felicity that this ex girlfriend had gone round the place talking about him as “My evil ex boyfriend”. Felicity wrote a small blog page on her Streams of Consciousness blog about this matter, and she still has the evidence from printouts of the blog made by her then solicitor Mr. Noam Almaz (then of Hickman and Rose solicitors.)

In 2021 Daniel James Hart published videos featuring examples of his supposed “artwork” (on paper) he says he did in Bullingdon prison, he says he did it “on psych ward. (Image shown beneath this paragraph). Daniel James Hart also states that he did this supposed “artwork” (on paper) in 2017 while at the Warneford Psychiatric Hospital, to where he was transferred from Bullingdon Prison after making scenes and being kept in prison isolation on account of those scenes. The supposed “artwork”, which is not very talented in terms of sketch and design capacity, contains numerous references to a young woman whom Daniel James Hart depicts as appearing on the front of a newspaper with a severe black eye. Daniel James Hart sketches the words “My evil boyfriend”, rather than “My evil ex boyfriend”, which tends to suggest he deludedly sees this abused woman he’s drawing as his property still. In his drawing, the sarcastic, girly magazine style page spread he sketches with its girly magazine title ‘Love it!’ refers to the abusive 2007 press and media rampage against Felicity Lowde that Daniel James Hart helped organise, and thus the woman with the black eye he sketched is also a reference to his abuse of Felicity. There are other sketched articles at the lower part of the sketched newspaper page, which seem designed to target Daniel James Hart’s various victims. There are Daniel Janes Hart style antagonistic references to personal details pertaining to Saad and Isabel in Daniel James Hart's sketch piece (which are not discussed on this blog for the sake of their protection). It goes without saying that Daniel James Hart's crazed assertions and allegations against his victims are all entirely false.

There are other exhibits of Daniel James Hart’s supposed 'artwork 'from his stay in prison. The following extract from one of his sketch pieces (shown below) is an example. At the centre of this extract from one of his sketch pieces Daniel James Hart draws three wrapped carcasses beside a bowl of excrement with a rat inside, and writes ‘Lamb to the slaughter’, presumably a reference to his own plans or activities in respect of his victims. As ususal, he exhibits racism, perversion and violence.

In another vile picture, described by Daniel James Hart as being one of his prison art sketches, (shown below) Daniel James Hart depicts his cell toilet, which he marks with a foul distortion of symbols that Felicity uses in her creative work (these he seems to have lately added to the sketch piece). Above the toilet depicted in this sketch  Daniel Hart writes ‘This is the kit’. He also writes the word ‘Colder’, apparently referring to corpses. Observe in this sketch the insinuation of bodies under floorboards alongside the words ‘no hell below us’. This might be a malevolent joke, a death threat, or a reference to a real situation (or situations) involving dead bodies that is known only to Daniel James Hart. Also in this sketch, there are extracts from a song by Kate Rusby called 'The Village Green Preservation Society' which Kate Rusby, a singer Felicity likes and uses in her work (the song here). There are lyrics in this Kate Rusby song referencing ‘Desperate Dan’, (a name Felicity used to call Daniel James Hart while making a few blog posts on her Streams of Consciousness blog in 2006 and 2007 while Daniel Hart was beginning his aggression on her). There are also bizarre references to a jam factory in this Daniel James Hart sketch. Daniel James Hart says he ran and hid briefly in a jam factory after attempting to kill poor Saad Qureshi (Daniel James Hart did time for assault after his attack on Saad, many people feel he should have been put away for attempted murder.)

In 2021 Daniel Hart reported on one of is dreadful blogs that he had left his house in Lye Valley in Headington, Oxford and moved to Moseley in Birmingham where he no longer works as a graphic designer but instead lives on benefits. His current lifestyle is a result of Crown Court orders keeping him away from Oxford and London and a result of being banned by the courts from selling his graphic design on the Internet. He may have been found the flat in Birmingham by the prison probation service. He has already been in trouble with Birmingham police for Criminal Damage.

On a 2021 social media page he has now deleted, Daniel James Hart put up a video of a room in his disgusting flat at Moseley in Birmingham which he has decorated with a Banksy picture that appears on Felicity’s Facebook page and with numerous yellow suns and sunshine, a theme he has taken without permission from Felicity’s work. In this home made video, (image shown below) Daniel James Hart is advertising this room decoration and a black and white music video playing on his TV. This music video on the TV in the room is Across the Universe sung by Fiona Apple. This black and white Across the Universe video is a video Felicity placed on her Facebook page, so Daniel Hart is using the video as an intruder and stalker. Felicity used this video to refer to the raid on her house conducted by police at on the orders of Colin Brooker on the basis of Daniel James Hart’s and the North London woman's malicious false allegations.
 Before Sergeant Colin Brooker sent numerous police to Felicity’s house on the basis of Daniel James Hart’s false allegations in 2006, Daniel James Hart told Felicity that he’d had his computer and some of his memories on it stolen during a burglary and that he “felt bereaved.”  (He had probably had them removed by police in fact). Daniel James Hart appears obsessed with controlling and punishing other people, and is constantly asking for people “to be investigated and reprimanded”. He explains his disposition in this respect as “headfuck.”

Daniel James Hart has covered his disgusting Birmingham flat with suns and so on (apparent in photographs he has published).

On his creepy website site where he publishes the video of his room, Daniel James Hart has also published This Side of the Blue which seems to be a different type of comment on Felicity whom Daniel Hart is focusing on obsessively, this song is by a singer who looks a bit like photos of Felicity as she appeared as a child. The song itself is intelligent, intuitive and quite beautiful. It could be described as just the sort of song Daniel Hart should not get hold of for his malicious distortion purposes. Daniel James Harte stalks Felicity in all his gestures, just like he did with artists Isabel, Carrie and Saad and various others before and after they got restraining orders against him. 

Although Daniel James Hart is considerate 5% of the time, farcically communicating an appearance of respectability, the 95% rest of the time he spends obsessionally bullying people, harassing people, abusing people, stalking people, committing violence against people, perverting the course of justice against people and telling lies. Recently Daniel James Hart published a video statement saying that Felicity  Lowde “doesn’t deserve to exist” and “in terms of punishment needs to be incarcerated in the darkest corner of the galaxy with no food and water.” In the same transcript he also claims, entirely falsely, that Felicity has “a rap sheet as long as the Universe.” The reason he keeps making this false claim is that he wishes to keep Felicity without defence against him. He tries to starve Felicity of protective company.

In 2021, Daniel James Hart opened another of his disgusting and appalling blogs, attacking Isabel de Vasconcellos, Saad Qureshi and Felicity Lowde. This blog also attacks various members of police who have arrested him, with lots of blog space devoted to a Bethnal Green Officer named Michael Dixon who successfully arrested him and helped the Crown Prosecution Service successfully prosecute him. On the 4th April 2021 Daniel James Hart deleted some self-incriminating pages from his 2021 blog, but screenshots have been carefully taken and preserved. On his 2021 blog, Daniel James Hart is telling dreadful lies and committing all kinds of abuse. Some pages of the 2021 dreadful (and typical) Daniel James Hart blog are displayed on this page. A screenshot of a blog post on Daniel James Hart’s 2021 blog which was written and published by Daniel James Hart is shown below. This blog post on Daniel James Hart’s blog (shown below) was aimed at causing Isabel harassment, alarm and distress. It displays a picture. On the left side of the picture is a photo that Isabel uses on the Internet, desecrated by Daniel James Hart. Here on Daniel James Hart’s blog post the photo of Isabel has been “slashed” by Daniel Hart, ostensibly with imitation knife marks created by his graphics. The violent desecration of Isabel’s photo in Daniel James Hart’s latest blog page is very similar to violent desecration of pictures of Felicity which Daniel used to produce on blogs he created in 2006 – 2015. Daniel Hart used to print distorted pictures of Felicity showing her being knifed or as a victim of other crimes. He would also distort pictures of her face with his graphics at the same time. On the right of the picture in Daniel James Hart’s March 2021 blog post (shown below) there is a photo of a woman vomiting at a sink and holding out her hand for privacy. This picture probably references Daniel James Hart’s recreational socalled 'artistic' theme of poisoning women. The abusive graffiti on the blog post is written by Daniel James Hart.

At the same time as putting up this blog post (shown in the image above), Daniel James Hart also put up a blog post attacking the Bethnal Green officer Michael Dixon at Bethnal Green police station who arrested him and brought him to trial after his violent attacks on Isabel de Vasconcellos. Michael Dixon dealt with numerous aspects of Daniel James Hart’s harassment and stalking behaviour at that time.  In his 2021 blog post, Daniel James Hart encloses a screenshot of an email exchange between himself and officer Michael Dixon. The abusive graffiti on the blog post is written by Daniel James Hart.

A close up screenshot of the emails between Daniel James Hart and Bethnal Green police officer Michael Dixon that appears in Daniel James Hart’s blog page (published in March 2021) is shown below. As may be seen from the email series that Daniel James Hart published, the police officer correctly perceived an approach by Daniel James Hart to him as an attempt to get a hold of Isabel’s address and continue harassing and stalking her. During the time Isabel was without the court protection of a restraining order, she frequently had to flee her Bethnal Green flat for safety because of Daniel James Hart. She said she was so terrified of him that she had to get out of the area. Daniel James Hart’s nonsense claim (on his 2021 blog) of being arrested on the basis of two or three texts to Isabel is nothing but a convenient line. Daniel James Hart has been convicted (many times) of violence and of stalking and Harassment with Intention to Commit Violence, and convicted of and of aggravated assault, etc. He tries to pass his convictions off as being meria trivia but they are not. Far from it. The abusive graffiti on the blog post is written by Daniel James Hart.

In 2021 Daniel James Hart posted another blog page aimed at Saad Qureshi, against whom he holds a long term grievance. Part of this grievance seems to be that Saad is a successful artist recommended by London curators and Oxford University; another part of the grievance he holds is that Saad has been another person to expose him through the Criminal Justice system. In Daniel James Hart’s latest dreadful blog (2021) he accuses Saad of being a pretentious poser who hasn’t a clue, and of being a corrupt liar. He is extremely vicious and rude towards Saad in this blog page. Daniel James Hart’s blog posts about Saad also demonstrate that while using the YouTube handle '200reflections' he has been leaving reams of vindictive, racist and sexually abusive and aggressive messages about Saad beside various videos. He has also been threatening him on Youtube, and causing him fear of violence. Daniel James Hart has also been treating Isabel and Felicity similarly on the same Internet web pages. The top border of Daniel James Hart’s 2021 blog is a picture of Saad in his studio wearing a denim shirt and glasses and standing by a pine bookshelf.

The handle 200reflections is one Daniel Hart uses for a variety of social media accounts.

The four following images are screenshots of pages on Daniel James Hart’s 2021 blog (described above). On his 2021 blogDaniel James Hart publishes threads of comments he made using one of his '200reflections' social media accounts.

The abusive graffiti in Daniel James Hart’s 2021 blog post (just above), written by him, is very similar to the content and style of the messages Daniel James Hart would to Felicity Lowde by mail and email in 2006 and 2007 and from thereon in.

In another of Daniel James Hart's 2021 blog posts (shown below), Daniel Hart abuses Saad Qureshi again and makes him out to be a “fanatical Islamist terrorist”, which is obviously untrue. It’s very unlikely that Saad told Daniel James Hart that all non Muslims would go to hell. One of Saad’s artwork displays asks questions about paradise from many different faith and philosophical perspectives. It’s very sad that an artist asking questions about paradise should be subjected to a horrible racist attack from Daniel James Hart.

Daniel James Hart described his blog as 'Opposing extremely poisonous and exploiative abusers of power'. which is of course nonsense. 

A photo of Daniel James Hart with Saad Qureshi when they were acquaintances (Daniel James Hart to the right) before Daniel attacked Saad.  More than a suggestion of a malevolent persona in Daniel James Hart’s facial expression and physical appearance.


Another post from Daniel Hart’s 2021 blog (shown below) is an a malicious reference to Isabel’s fears about domestic violence. The post is deliberately evoking Isabel's one time experience with a man who harassed her, who threatened to turn on the gas while she was asleep. It’s well known that the poet Sylvia Plath committed suicide by turning on the gas in her apartment. There’s also a suggestion in this post that Isabel is a 'man eating false accuser' (an absurd suggestion) who falsely accuses men of domestic violence (another absurd suggestion) and an insinuation that she “deserves to die”. In his blog post Daniel James Hart makes it clear that he thinks that Isabel’s fears about extreme domestic violence are an excuse for a vicious joke. The number 101 used by Daniel Hart may refer to Orwell’s ‘Room 101’, a euphemism for a person’s worst fears. And again Daniel James Hart insinuates that Saad Qureshi is a closet homosexual repressed by Islamist fanaticism (which is complete nonsense).


Daniel Hart's 2021 blog also attacked Felicity Lowde in a similar manner to his atacks on Isabel de Vasconcelos and Saad Quereshi: a screenshot from Daniel James Hart's 2021 below for example. In this blog post Daniel James Hart abuses Felicity in a psychopathic vulgar manner, helping himself to her graduation photograph. Similtaneously he makes out that Isabel de Vasconcelos and Saan Quereshi have betrayed him for refusing to reject the fact that he is a psycho stalker and his stories about Felicity are simply untrue. he claims that he paid for Saad Quereshi's trip to Rome, and that because of this Saad should have accepted his false version of events about himself and Felicity.


On Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography page there is a painting of a woman with a plastic or translucent bag or stocking over her head, a picture painted in a sort of greeny grey and a pale, rough grey, which is the colour of corpses not long after a murder scene (murder by asphyxiation). Or equally, the grey lady might be Daniel James Hart's reference to a lady being gassed (he admires the Nazis). (Image shown below). Another one of Daniel James Hart’s 'psycho paintings.'  Just above the head area in this painting of an evidently murdered woman there’s a sketchy suggestion of a sneaking hand reaching for the edge of the bag, a hand at the edge of an arm. One aspect to the nipple on the right side of the woman in this sketch, it’s pointed (an elongated point), which might indicate a garish se*x toy, so a se*x worker potentially. Or perhaps a bitten and dragged nipple in a unique case known only to Daniel Hart. Revolting. The woman’s left eye beneath the bag seems sad and subdued, while the other eye seems (more pointedly) deceased. 

Daniel James Hart and his focused psychopathic nastiness.

Daniel James Hart is continually seeking to justify his ghastly, talentless, psycho- paintings one way or another. 

Daniel James Hart is continually trying to pin a small anonymous blog which mentions one of his psycho-paintings, on Felicity Lowde (although she didn’t write said blog at all, there have been numerous people objecting to his lifestyle patterns).  He is constantly accusing Felicity of saying on that blog that he alleges she created that he "sodomised the woman in the painting.” 

Daniel James Hart’s view seems to be that if a person has a negative opinion of this painting of his (shown below) then they must be artless, pretentious, deceitful and obscene (and should therefore be silenced). 

So let’s look carefully at the picture - it's shown below.  

1. It’s a scruffy piece of work, done with ink and a poison called bleach (generally found in bathrooms) 2. the woman depicted is shown as though either deceased or pulling herself up from where she is, having been ruthlessly and brutally beaten down. 3. the woman depicted has a knife through her head and the paint brush strokes, dabs and smudges on the area surrounding the knife through her head are red, suggesting blood coming from the head. 4. there’s a wash of liquid on a scruffy mattress that might or might not be a deliberate picture of blood, depending on the viewpoint taken – although blood would be an obvious impression, given the picture of the knife through the woman’s head. 5. the liquid sketched on the mattress is obviously designed to be seen as a picture of liquid pouring through the mattress. 6. the painting is marked with initials, which in Daniel James Hart’s case could easily point to one of his stalking victims (of course Felicity never modelled for Daniel, but he does know what she looks like). 7. obviously, no man in their right mind would send that picture via email to a woman who’s asked him to leave her alone. (Daniel James Hart sent a picture of this painting among others to Felicity by email in mid-late 2006).

Taking a week’s break from his home at Lye Valley, Headington, Oxford in September 2006, Daniel James Hart went to Arles in the South of France. He took this photograph of a plastic model wearing a scarf around her neck made of a white hospital plaster ribbon, with MATERIEL MEDICAL URGENT written on its surface in red capital letters (image shown below). This photograph is also displayed on Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography page. On his Flickr photography page Daniel James Hart marks the photograph as Boulevard des Lices, Arles, and dates it 9 September 2006.

Due to the complete and utter failure of the British Justice system in 2005-2008, and because of the removal of Legal Aid by the Tory government, Daniel James Hart has been able to stalk and harass Felicity Lowde in the way described on this page for very nearly twenty years.

Psycho Stalker and long term abuser Daniel James Hart’s criminal record sheet (there may be more, and of course there are the untold victims 2001 to 2014):

  1. 2001, Assault and Battery, Harassment 4: convictions and a Restraining Order.
  2. 2006 – 2021: Harassment 4 (Harassment with Intention to Commit Violence), Stalking and Perverting the Course of Justice.
  3. 2011: Harassment 4: conviction and  Restraining Order (this part of the record is disputed by Daniel).
  4. 2014: Harassment 4: conviction and Restraining Order.
  5. 2015: Harassment 4 with Stalking: conviction and Restraining Order.
  6. 2015: Harassment 4 with Stalking: Conviction and Restraining Order.
  7. 2015: Assault and Battery, Harassment 4: convictions and a Restraining Order.
  8. 2016: Assault, Harassment 4: convictions and a Restraining Order.
  9. 2016: Breach of Restraining Order (by attacking two different people)
  10. 2017: Breach of Restraining Order with Assault (described by victim as malicious wounding and intent to kill). 

Daniel James Hart's victims have also been handed Stalking Protection Orders against him.

Prior to the wrongful arrest of Felicity Lowde in October 2006 (ordered by Sergeant Colin Brooker on the basis of false allegations made by Daniel James Hart) she had been victim of Internet harassment and abuse for three years by a group of people calling themselves ‘ripperologists’. In 2005 Felicity had confided extensively in Sergeant Colin Brooker of Thames Valley Police about this harassment, mistakenly believing him to be a genuine honest officer. Online ‘ripperologists’ on Stephen Paul Ryder’s casebook and on other authors' ‘Jack the Ripper’ websites behave like a pack of aggressive dogs and are notorious for their campaigns of criminal harassment against numerous authors and researchers. The harassment that Felicity complained of had been (and was still being) conducted by members of ‘various ‘Jack the Ripper’ websites. The 'ripperologists' mentioned (some of whom have served long jail sentences for serious crime) aggressively vent against anyone intelligent who ventures near the subject of Victorian era crime and Victoriana generally. By 2006, Felicity had been the victim of these ‘ripperologists’ harassment long term, harassment that was very extreme, as extensive case evidence showed and still shows. In late summer/early Autumn 2006, Daniel James Hart, having heard from Felicity that she was being severely harassed by these 'ripperologists', contacted them (and other aggressive and ambitious characters) and suggested that he and they ‘all attack Felicity Lowde in a group.’

While Thames Valley police were investigating and rejecting Daniel James Hart’s 2006 allegations against her, Felicity Lowde was again arrested, this time in November 2006, on the basis of further false allegations made. These false allegations were made by the notorious female liar, a woman from North London who was (still is) a close associate of Daniel James Hart. The November 2006 arrest, ordered by  Sergeant Colin Brooker of Thames Valley Police in conjunction with PC Weinert of London’s Stoke Newington Police, was again conducted in a very abusive manner designed to bully and intimidate Felicity. 

Daniel James Hart’s false 2006 allegations were then dropped by police and the Crown Prosecution Service; officially, three months later, Felicity Lowde was charged with Harassment 2 in respect of the notorious liar (the North London woman) who had gone to the police in Stoke Newington in London with her pack of lies. 

During 2006 and 2007, Felicity Lowde never spoke with the North London woman about her (Felicity’s) creative case story and History of Art work, nor about her (Felicity’s) life story or ancestry research. Nonetheless, having read about a certain amount of it on Felicity’s early Streams of Consciousness blog, the North London woman (the notorious liar) abusively attacked Felicity’s creative work in numerous press and media outlets, falsely labelling her a ‘conspiracy theorist’ and so on. The vicious British press and media picked up on the North London woman's malicious commentary. 

The North London woman,  the notorious pathatlogical liar, in association with a gang of celebrity fraudsters/well known personalities, lyingly claims that she features in Felicity‘s creative History of Art and case story work and that she’s connected to Felicity’s parents’ photograph albums! Absurd claims, yet another set of lies by that complete liar.

On the basis of false allegations made against Felicity by the North London woman, who was (is) an associate of Daniel James Hart and the ripperlogist group,  Felicity Lowde was tried in absentia (in her absence) in the court case in April 2007 by an experienced gullible Judge (sitting in a Magistrate’s Court) who is widely reputed for her Human Rights abuses. This incapable, vindictive Judge found Felicity guilty in absentia without considering either the case or her position properly, and, in consequence, in 2007 Felicity was later sent to jail for six months for no good reason. The incapable judge, who was very arrogant and vindictive, did not adjourn the case hearing despite Felicity having made a request for an adjournment after being correctly diagnosed with exhaustion. Felicity had supplied medical evidence to the court which was completely ignored (at the time). 

At the time, Felicity Lowde had employed London’s Tuckers Solicitors (she hardly saw them). No defence counsel was present at Felicity’s April 2007 court case, having unlawfully removed themselves from the defence case (abandoned the defence) two days before the trial began. Felicity has since learned that Tuckers Solicitors are notorious defenders of corrupt police, fact she didn't kow at the time. Throughout the run up to the court case, the police and the Crown Prosecution Service deliberately withheld from the defence evidence from Felicity’s computer which they had “confiscated” when she was arrested on the basis of Daniel James Hart’s false allegations. Felicity could not have a fair trial in 2007 and the Crown Prosecution Service got away with a fraud that the north London woman (the notorious liar) had supplied them with along with her false allegations (a fraud which they were keen to go along with.) 

There were no reporters or journalists present at the April 2007 London Magistrates Court when Felicity Lowde was tried for the supposed harassment of the notorious liar, the North London woman; none whatever. However, after Felicity was found guilty in absentia (found guilty in her absence) the mainstream media and the Oxford Mail went to work on a widespread, very malicious rampage. Guided continually by the North London woman (the notorious liar), all the newspaper reports relating to Felicity and her case are fictitious and vindictive in the extreme. The newspapers didn’t even state, most of them, that Felicity was found guilty in absentia having been deprived of her own defence case.

Contrary to false and melodramatic reporting, Felicity did not “go on the run” after April 2006. She was simply staying in London’s East End. The reports in the British press and media are entirely false.

Sentence was passed on Felicity in June 2007 by a sadistic London District Judge named Judge Malcolm Read, a colleague of the bald twit of a female Judge who delivered the abusive conviction/verdict against Felicity. District Judge Malcolm Read, a 'wayward judge' demonstrated misconduct in a public office and sadism, by stating that he regretted that the law didn’t permit him to punish Felicity more than it did. The orders he made at the time are a complete Human Rights abuse, a legal precedent potentially depriving all accused genuine journalists and writers of integrity of the use of free speech when writing about injustice.

Throughout the run up to the trial in the Magistrate’s Court in April 2007 Felicity was subjected to extremely serious and repeated police abuses, amounting to extreme harassment, to the point she had to move out of her home (then in Oxford). These police abuses were continually engineered by the North London woman (the notorious liar) who would constantly telephone the police with false allegations in an effort to  have Felicity incarcerated for breach of bail. During and after this time police, press and criminal false accusers, and criminals associated with false accusers frequently committed violent damage to her home (this was the subject of a criminal complaint and correspondence to the Independent Police Complaints Commission / IPCC). During the run up to the April 2007 trial, police also raided Felicity's home on lawless pretexts, sometimes in her absence (also completely illegal) and confiscated and destroyed some of the evidence that Felicity thought she would need to demonstrate that she was the victim in the case, having been harassed and abused. Felicity wrote an entirely honest account of what police kept on doing on her then blog Streams of Consciousness. On that blog Felicity also published evidence that she was being harassed and abused by numerous individuals. The blog called 'Streams of Consciousness' was shut down in late 2007 but Felicity kept all the pages which were filed by her lawyer Mr. Noam Almaz, then of Hickman and Rose solicitors who took up the case in late 2007. 

Straight after Felicity’s court case in the Magistrates Court in 2007 (when Felicity was tried in absentia for Harassment 2)  there was an horrific, unofficial ‘Wanted Campaign’ against Felicity carried out by malicious bloggers connected to the notorious liar, the North London woman.  The malicious 'Wanted Notices' were designed by a tacky web designer blogger named Mike Rouse who was a friend of the North London woman.  Mike Rouse is now a Conservative Councillor in Worcestershire. Mike Rouse's Councillor page for Worcestershire County Council here. A Mike Rouse blog here. Mike Rouse has frequently been a part time technician at Doughty Street. A Mike Rouse web developer and Freelance Consultant page here. Mike Rouse's LinkedIn page here.

The unofficial ‘Wanted Campaign’ was an unprecedented example of Internet abuse and consequent mainstream media abuse at its very worst. It was a serious Human Rights abuse. Article 3 of the Human Rights Act states that a person should not be subjected to “inhuman and degrading treatment.”  There were thousands of abusive 'Wanted Notices' distributed.  The unofficial ‘Wanted Campaign’ was not carried out under the instructions of police at all. It was a horrible spate of bullying instigated on the Internet by the North London woman and her friends that was taken up by the mainstream media (press and television including ITV and the BBC) who ran double-page spreads advocating and recommending it as well as helping the malicious bloggers who participated in it spread their false, vindictive allegations. 

In 2024, Mike Rouse, Conservative Councillor at Worcestershire, is currently charged with rape and with associated charges (the victim is unknown), and the case is ongoing

More detail on Mike Rouse being charged with rape and numerous counts of sexual assault here

And more detail on Mike Rouse being charged with rape and numerous counts of sexual assault here. 

Below, three pages from Mike Rouse's 2007 blog advertising the 'Wanted Campaign' notices which he created. These Internet pages have been preserved from 2007 when they were printed on the Internet. They were downloaded by lawyers and their assistants and maintained in lawyers' offices.

During this unofficial, abusive and extremely vindictive ‘Wanted Campaign’ organised by the North London woman (the notorious liar) and her abusive associates, a multitude of blog posts went up on the Internet making mendacious, malicious false assertions. A number of these can still be seen today. All were, and are clearly authored by malicious free riders trying to increase their stats by participating in a malicious smear campaign, associates of the North London woman.

It should be noted that Felicity Lowde has never experienced a mental illness or been diagnosed with a mental illness. Had she however, it would not have been an excuse for writers to participate in a malicious smear campaign of course.

During the unofficial abusive ‘Wanted Campaign’, so called, the notorious liar, the North London woman, falsely accused Felicity Lowde of malicious communications which were (allegedly) made during 2006-2008 via the Internet. These communications, it transpired, were sent anonymously by a member of the public. They were nothing whatsoever to do with Felicity. There was no prosecution resulting from the false allegations about malicious messages despite the North London woman's onsessional style allegations agaijnst Felicity. 

London Metropolitan police and Thames Valley  police officially turned a blind eye while the unofficial 'Wanted Campaign' was carried out by abusers on the Internet who soon operated with the full support of the corrupt British mainstream media. Felicity Lowde was subjected to an extremely serious hate campaign which was entirely unlawful. There were thousands of pages printed on the web facilitating these malevolent ‘Wanted Notices’ which were each full of abuse. There was a huge two page, double spread promotion of the unlawful ‘Wanted Campaign’ in the Times Newspaper (NEWS INTERNATIONAL). The unlawful ‘Wanted Campaign’ was also promoted in The Sun, the NOTW, The Times and the Sunday Times, the Oxford Mail, The Daily Mail, The Express, The Mail on Sunday, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Standard, Evening Standard, the Metro and many other papers. Newspapers, magazines and outlets ran with it indiscriminately after it had been first put into the mainstream media (175 mainstream media outlets ultimately joined in with it in total approx, at the time, as well as the blogs). A horrendous assault on Felicity’s life instigated by the notorious liar (the North London woman.)

A page from one of Daniel James Hart's malicious blogs which he erected to harass and abuse Felicity Lowde in June 2007 (shown below). Daniel James Hart published numerous 'Wanted Notices' on this bogus stalker blog and distributed them to many people, extensively contributed to the unathorised and abusive 'Wanted Campaign'.  (Felicity's 2007 solicitors Hickman and Rose had access to Felicity's 'Streams of Consciousness' blog and password while working on the case. )

It must be stressed that the above blog 'Stream of Rubbish' created maliciously by Daniel James Hart, one of many, is very mild for him (utterly horrible all the same.) Usually Daniel Hart covers his 'attack blogs' with all manner of foul and obscene pictures. Some of the blog pages Daniel James Hart put up in order to abuse Felicity Lowde are so dreadful we don't republish them here as examples.

In 2021, Daniel James Hart continually sent e-mails to police as part of a follow up from a phone call that he made to them in March 2021 which he recorded and then broadcast on his 200reflections youtube account (this account is now deleted, although relevant copies of his videos have been downloaded and preserved). Obviously, Daniel Hart has no grounds whatever for complaining about brave and genuine police who went against the flowof police corruption and have arrested him. It’s all a part of his personal M.O., to commit horrible crimes against people and then make extensive false allegations about them and about whichever people they turn to for help.

A prison 'self pity sketch' by Daniel Hart, (below) who, as 'the Oxford and London Psycho Stalker' obviously deserved to be there. Some people do. We can tell from this sketch at a mere glance that the prison 'listener' (an inmate trained to listen to other prisoners) has declined to see him in prison, for good reason. 

Some other major contributors to the abusive unofficial ‘Wanted Campaign’  are quite well known now ( as then), such as Iain Dale. Conservative and other political bloggers were contributors. Since 2007 Iain Dale has picked up a police caution for an aggressive assault on an old man.

Simple Freedom of Speech is an essential Human Right under Article 10 of the UK Human Rights Act which derives from Human Rights laws established in Europe over the past century. The abusive 2007 conviction and Magistrates Court order inflicted upon Felicity effectively implied (and continues to effectively imply) that Felicity ought to be abused and persecuted without a voice to defend herself and  therefore had (has) no right as a human being to Article 10, to Article 8 or to article 3 of the Human Rights Act. The CONVICTION IS UNSAFE. 

Corrupt from the outset, parts of British Thames valley and Metropolitan police in 2007 were on the whole rubbish at what they did and what they’re supposed to be doing, and they spent their time persecuting targets and scape goats, exacerbating their shame. They failed to prevent 7/7 2005, and they often failed to apprehend serious abusive stalkers. They are renown for failing to catch the guilty and persecuting the innocent victims.

The repulsive and unlawful ‘Wanted Campaign’ resulted in Felicity Lowde being arrested in June 2007 in a restaurant in London’s Brick Lane, where she wasn’t hiding at all (contrary to widely published nonsense instigated by Daniel James Hart and the North London woman). Felicity was immediately taken to court and sentenced to six months in prison. The malevolent sadist District Judge Read, who stated that he’d seen nothing pertaining to the case at all (except  ostensibly press articles) seemed to relish participating in the disgraceful media circus performance that was going on. The Crown Prosecution Service, capitalising on the lack of prepared defence lawyers on on the day of the sentencing hearing, demanded that a five year ASBO (Anti Social Behaviour order) be applied to Felicity which would cite names of all the people she wasn’t permitted to mention “in any media” by its terms. These names included Daniel James Hart, who was continuing with his harassment with with intention to commit violence against Felicity and the names of many prominent people among the abusive gang involved in the ‘Wanted Campaign’ who had been rounded up by Daniel James Hart. Also featuring on the ASBO were the names of two National Archives officers who’d deprived the public of Special Branch historical documents in collusion with Special Branch police. Also on the ASBO document were  two Special Branch officers who’d advocated cheating of the public out of the sight of the historical documents, and the three officers who’d handled the Magistrates Court Harassment 2 case against Felicity including PC Wienert and Sergeant Colin Brooker. Tim Brown of Tuckers solicitors who’d unlawfully abandoned Felicity’s defence case two days before the court case called the Crown Prosecution Service and had his name added to the ASBO too. All in all, a very unusual ASBO to be granted to the Crown Prosecution Service given that many people featuring on it had not been seen in court at trial and thus the court knew nothing whatever about them. The ASBO was ‘attached to the Harassment 2 Conviction’. 

The ASBO terms prevented Felicity from discussing any of the people listed on the ASBO and what they’d been up to “in any media.” It was to last five years. Corrupt sadistic District Judge Malcolm Read who carried out the sentencing knew it was unjust and grotesque. The Crown Prosecution Service do not have the right to place arbitrary ASBOs on British citizens at random in order to shut them up. 

Felicity Jane Lowde (also named as Felicity Lowde, as described her) has at no stage banalised any crime. Felicity Jane Lowde has at no stage engaged in any conspiracy theory about 7/7 2005. Felicity Jane Lowde never spoke in an inappropriate manner about the contents of historical and recent Special Branch files. Felicity Jane Lowde at no stage harassed, stalked or tormented anyone. She has never done any of these things in any way, shape or form. Nor has she ever behaved in a narcissistic or self absorbed way.

The 2007 miscarriage of justice was appealed in 2008 in the Crown Court at Snaresbrook, at the edge of greater London. For this appeal the Crown Prosecution Service were represented by the reputedly ethically dubious barrister Fabio Vitiello.  Solicitor Mr. Noam Almaz who took the appeal case was then working as an assistant solicitor for the firm Hickman and Rose. Ben Rose and Daniel Machover, partners at Hickman and Rose, wrote regularly for NEWS INTERNATIONAL. Sadly Felicity was let down during the appeal case hearing by trial advocate Desmond O’Reilly, (then attached to Hickman and Rose as their adviser) a solicitor advocate who represented her at the appeal instead of a barrister. At the appeal hearing, in Mr. Noam Almaz’s absence, Desmond O’Reilly refused to mention carefully accumulated evidence in Court or put defence evidence into Court. He persistently neglected to ask essential questions in cross questioning, fought Felicity when she tried to introduce defence evidence when on the stand, and abused the appeal-preparation work that Felicity and Mr Noam Almaz had carried out in many other ways.  The appeal should not have failed.

Mr. Noam Almaz should have been present at the appeal case hearing. His absenting himself on that day was a complete disgrace.

The extensive blogs that Daniel James Hart put up abusing Felicity Lowde which were published from 2006 onwards, and were removed only recently, were horrific, and their style can only be described as psychopathic. (The content on these blogs, all retained as evidence, is too horrible to quote and exhibit here.) Throughout Felicity’s time working with Mr. Noam Almaz, Daniel James Hart harassed them both, via his various disgusting and insulting blog pages. Mr. Noam Almaz and his assistants downloaded all the pages of his abuse and Felicity retains all the evidence to this day.
Daniel James Hart has made extensive public false statements about Felicity Lowde which he can only support with inventions, fabrications and false allegations. While making his false allegations Daniel James Hart comes across as an iron fisted, obsessed bully, and at times, as completely insane. While lying about his own criminal convictions, Daniel James Hart expresses a lot of hatred for persecuted defendants and prisoners generally. One of the many strategies Daniel James Hart and the North London woman employed  from 2007 – 2024 has been to go on the Internet writing anonymously, (using various pseudonyms) pretending to be various objective critics of Felicity while writing very vicious lies and slander. Daniel James Hart has often gone onto the Internet and anonymously pretending to be aggrieved victims of Felicity, using names he invents. Under this guise (transparentyl obvious to his many victims) he has written very nasty lies. Daniel James Hart, the North London woman and their accomplices do this kind of thing because they know Felicity is innocent and they do not wish to be exposed.

Daniel Hart and his gang of harassing associates, which includes well known troublemakers such as Philip Hutchinson and Natalie Lue, are responsible over the years for thousands of pages of extremely serious abuse printed on the Internet aimed at causing Felicity Lowde serious alarm and distress. All these web pages have (as with all material pertaining to the case) been downloaded by lawyers and filed by lawyers and other individuals working on the case.  

During the malicious  2007 press and Internet rampage against her, Felicity also received numerous obscene missives and requests that she commit suicide as well as death threats via email and the blog messages system.

In a photograph of Daniel James Hart (public domain photo, via his Flickr photography page), this time showing him standing beside a wall overlooking a route, he again seems to be showing his very malevolent side. he is pointing gleefully at something in this video – and this is the sort of photo that apparently used to cause diverse people to discuss whether he were responsible for other crimes which, in men, often go with the crime of serial stalking while committing violence or putting people in fear of violence. In this photo (again via his Flickr page, taken by someone he knew or by a pre-set camera) the part of the route Daniel is pointing at is a coffin shape. He could also be pointing at where his car is parked for example. Since Daniel James Hart constantly engages in this kind of malicious joke, he shouldn’t be surprised at Police Inspectors continually showing an interest in arresting him and his acquaintence.

A screenshot of a sketch by Daniel James Hart which he advertised on his Social Media pages titled 'Sublimely Squalid' referencing his prison cell life as a convicted violent stalker. 

Two photographs on Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography page feature the precise car  used by Ted Bundy, the world’s most infamous serial killer. A Volkswagen Beetle, brown or tan in colour. These photographs were taken by Daniel James Hart upon his returning from one of his lone expeditions ostensibly. This precise car is associated with the story of Ted Bundy in that very early on in his crime spree, way before the police got their act together in respect of arresting him, Ted Bundy was always seen alongside this car which he always used while stalking his victims. It reportedly appeared in every witness statement about him. People may have questioned why Daniel James Hart would wish to take and display these photos?  Quote RE Ted Bundy: ‘Two female Central Washington students later came forward to report encounters – one on the night of Rancourt’s disappearance, the other three nights earlier – with a man wearing an arm sling, asking for help carrying a load of books to his brown or tan Volkswagen Beetle’.

On the same Flickr photography page, Daniel James Hart publishes two pictures of a deserted garage at night, one of this kind was used by Ted Bundy to kidnap one of his victims. Daniel James Hart has been showing a lot of devotion to the story of that serial killer.

In another one of Daniel James Hart’s pages from his Flickr photography account, there’s a photo of a disused, abandoned house on Boars Hill in Oxford, with a focus on a room on what seems to be the ground floor there.

Also on Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography page, a photo apparently of an area in the Oxford University Parks, the purpose of this photo being only to highlight bags marked with the letters HEAVY AND AWKWARD. There’s a corresponding photo of a dumpster on Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography account, again with a very unpleasant focus.

Recently on his Instagram 200reflections page, Daniel James Hart put up a photograph of Fred and Rose West while talking about Gloucester, where he grew up, and talking about Cheltenham in Gloucestershire, where he says he did his Art Foundation course. In this Insta post, Daniel James Hart is stating that he grew up and studied in the locations connected to the serial killer couple and knew precise areas connected with the couple ‘intimately.’ Daniel’s statement seems to suggest he sought out ‘intimate knowledge’ of areas connected to the murderous couple while he was growing up in Gloucester and studying in Cheltenham.

Merely growing up in Gloucester and studying in Cheltenham is not a reason to know those areas.

In the Instagram post, Daniel James Hart complains about a book about the Fred and Rose West couple, saying that it’s "not amusing enough to make him laugh". The issue of Rose’s own “jokes” about “Heather under the patio”. Heather West’s body was under the patio at Cromwell Street, it transpired. Everyone reading this page by Daniel James Hart is advised to block 200reflections or ‘200 reflections’ (whether on Insta, Youtube, Facebook, or anywhere else).


In Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography account there is a photograph titled 'Cheltenham', featuring a police car in the early hours of the morning which was obviously taken from an apartment window: Daniel James Hart displays a photo of a potentially derelict house above the photo featuring the police car, joining the two photographs. The photo of the police car in the early hours seems designed to suggest there’s no one around but the police, and that at the same time, that the police can’t see the photographer (which was Daniel James Hart). The light is behind the police, and they drive into darkness. The associated house at the top if the display of two photographs might be a derelict place that Daniel James Hart would use to meet escort men and women, or it might be a cheap seedy hotel with whom Daniel James Hart had an arrangement, perhaps as a place to meet strange escort men and women.

At the very least, the photo on Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography page conveys that he is making a point of watching police detectives at the early hours of the morning from an obscure location that he’s said he associates with serial killers. It seems perfectly fair for people to ask Why would he wish to do that? 

Another Flickr page photograph taken by Daniel James Hart is bizarrely titled 'The Cellar'. Flickr photographer members commenting on the photo describe the place as ‘a wee bit seedy, lurid’ and ‘perhaps a tad dangerous and dodgy is the word I was looking for’. There’s graffiti on the walls in Daniel James Hart’s photo: a small word reading BINS or R WS perhaps, situated on white bricks above a green Fire Exit sign. Another piece of graffiti in Daniel James Hart’s photo seems to be a person’s name with an x beside it written to the left side of a blue door. The photo of the Cellar that Daniel James Hart publishes is possibly a reference to the cellar at 25 Cromwell Street, given his unhealthy interest in the Fred and Rose West couple. The first three capital(uppercase) letters of the graffiti by the blue door in Daniel James Hart’s photo: TOR, letters which correspond with graffiti at the Wests’ gruesome cellar. The ‘TOR’ in the West’s basement is on white painted bricks just to the left side of the door (one they bricked in), and the TOR(and etc) in Daniel James Hart’s photo is on white painted bricks just to the left side of the blue door. There’s a painted red door at the back of the scene in Daniel James Hart’s photo, seen through the blue door.

Contrary to his false claims, Daniel James Hart is clearly obsessed with serial killers, and constantly tries to emulate and copy their ways. 

There has often been concern that Daniel James Hart, informally known as 'the Oxford and London Psycho Stalker', is constantly bothering and harassing the homeless. He takes lots of photos of them and makes films about individual cases. The homeless at Marble Arch, from Hart’s Flickr photography pages. Daniel James Hart seems always to want a map of the homeless and their whereabouts in every town or city he’s in although he has never been homeless himself.

Daniel James Hart also took a photo of a disused tunnel singled out by police as dangerous. This area is in London E2, Tower Hamlets, from where he is now banned by the courts.

In other photographs from his Flickr photography page Daniel James Hart evidences that he has been going about in Soho, taking pictures of transvestite streetwalkers whom he has evidently lured into connections with him. This subject was also one that came up for discussion between various people back in 2006 and 2007, in the context of Daniel James Hart’s crime possibilities.

Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography page contains extensive evidence of him roaming about the back streets of London alone. In this photo (linked) taken by Daniel James Hart in a Soho back street, an unusual person in a bright pink pullover, a transvestite sex worker. (There are a lot of photos of Soho on Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography page.) There is no suggestion of anyone else being present for this photo-shoot besides Daniel James Hart, who is the photographer, and this photo is likely to have been taken after midnight (for reasons apparent). Quite some lengths to go to for a supposed artistic photo shot when you live in Oxford (as Daniel James Hart did at the time of this photo). 

In this photo from Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography page, he is clearly alone very late with a street walker.

This photo (linked) of a young man in a taxi rank in the early hours of the morning, which Daniel James Hart has named ‘Cab.’

Another photo of Soho by Daniel James Hart features a large (badly drawn but apparent) grimacing skull on a shop window beside a lady using her phone, the lady has been expressly included in the picture by 'Daniel Hart, the Oxford, London and Birmingham Psycho Stalker.'

In a photo of a street where he used to live in Headington, Oxford, which he has titled Little fluffy white clouds at night, Daniel James Hart portrays a scene from the point of view of someone whose head has hit the ground, and the house in view in his photograph has a ‘Psycho’ film set aspect.

More repeats of the round, white light effect in another photo by Daniel James Hart here (several such lights) in a lonely and remote spot at night, probably the early hours of the morning. The photo features a closed pub, an isolated bus shelter and a bus with a Not In Service notice. In this photo there is a focus on a bus stop, which might be a tribute to one of Daniel’s serial killer interests, Fred West. Fred and Rose West met at a bus stop in Cheltenham, and they also went on to abduct women whom they saw standing at bus stops in Cheltenham and Gloucester.

Readers have expressed concern at a photo on Daniel James Hart’s Flickr page, a photo taken by Daniel James Hart of a child being snared by a big fairground toy. Taken by Daniel James Hart, the photo may have a predatory, malicious aspect.

Daniel James Hart has also been addictively studying the life of Ian Brady: Ian Brady and Myra Hindley took photographs of each other on the fashionable Triumph motorcycle model available at their time, which Brady proudly owned and drove.

Daniel James Hart’s Fickr photography page displays a Triumph motorbike, modern classic style. Photo taken by Daniel in 2010.

Daniel James Hart also took a photograph of a derelict 1960s Triumph car, which he says was parked in a derelict garage near Minster Lovell (linked).

Readers have noted that some photos of Fleur (Daniel Hart’s girlfriend of late 2006 to 2011/2012) taken by Daniel James Hart during their relationship have an aspect of photos taken by Ian Brady of Myra Hindley on Saddleworth Moor. Marking particular geographical areas, some of Daniel Hart’s photos are showing Fleur in bizarre positions.

Also on Daniel James Hart’s Flickr page, an expressly creepy picture he took in Athens in the summer of 2007, a child’s model doll with sixties style hair, dyed blonde and piled on top of her head. The arrangement in this photograph, apparently outside a small closed shop (blinds down) may have been seen by Daniel Hart in passing and captured on photo, or the items in the photo, seen in the small street, may have been arranged by him. In this photo by Daniel James Hart, the model doll’s head is decapitated from her model neck and torso. There is a lady’s scarf around the centre of a larger, female torso, and this scarf doesn’t correspond with the rest of the arrangement (its not dated and throwaway), so it may have been placed there by Daniel James  Hart’s then girlfriend Fleur Kinson, who may been with Hart when he took this photograph. Alternatively, Daniel James Hart may have used one of Fleur’s scarves on his own initiative. Perhaps the headscarf he uses for this photo makes express reference to the ’60s, and to Myra Hindley, or to one of the Moors murderers’ victim’s mothers for example.
Before he began to be arrested to a significant extent, Daniel James Hart’s psychopathy was in plain sight for a long time.

Daniel Hart’s Flickr photography account also displays a fairground theme, a day out with Fleur Kinson at the Bath Christmas Fair. In this photo Daniel James Hart’s display shows that he must be aware that one of Myra Hindley and Ian Brady’s victims, Lesley Ann Downey, was abducted from a fairground, some reports say she was abducted from beside a merry-go-round. While displaying this photo on his Flickr photography account, Daniel Janes Hart, a dangerous individual, corrects the fairground token seller’s spelling, which is typical of his pomposity.

Daniel Hart’s Flickr photography page also shows a photo of Fleur by a racing fairground roundabout, the same roundabout as in the photo discussed above, (photo linked and a detail shown below). Adapting the focus to blurring the roundabout itself to make it look as though it’s going at speed, Daniel James Hart highlights three signs: TOKENS, WARNING and CAUTION. On his Flickr photography account Daniel James Hart dates the photo discussed above as January 2006: however he wasn’t going out with Fleur until late 2006. Apparently in the early summer of 2006 he was talking about breaking up with a woman with whom he’d recently had a short relationship (not Fleur Kinson) in summer 2006 (a woman he abused and who mysteriously went away all of a sudden).

Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography page also presents a picture of a red mini van lurking in bushes, and Daniel dates the photo November 4 2006. It has a 1960s metal mirror on the side, so it might be a revamped 1960s mini. The Moors murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley used a mini van (one of the old white ones).  It’s an infamous van: because Ian Brady couldn’t drive a car (didn’t have a license for a car), it was Myra who must have turned the key that started the engine that took their victims (some alive, some dead) to various destinations, including Saddleworth Moor. The fact the red mini is presented as lurking in greenery is weird in the context of Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography account. Why would he wish to do that?


Ostensibly Daniel James Hart has not been in any sort of committed relationship since he and Fleur Kinson broke up in 2011/2012. Daniel James Hart has been completely airbrushed from Fleur Kinson’s Flickr photography page. These two e-Mail printouts (shown above) were published by Daniel Hart  on his abusive 2021 blog and on his Instagram page that same year.

Daniel James Hart’s Flickr photography account contains an unusual amount of pictures of skulls, which he appears to cross reference with his other photos, grouping them on the same page. A photo taken at Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford.

Another one (one of a number) on the same Flickr photography page, protestors apparently.

Daniel James Hart’s focus on a slaughterhouse butchers in Maccelleria are the subject of a photo on his Flickr photography account: he titles this photo in his Flickr photo collection as ‘Macelleria horrors‘.

In September 2007 Special Branch police threatened civil proceedings against Felicity Lowde, attempting to prevent her from continuing with her historical case story research. They later abandoned these proceedings. A page relating to the Special Branch civil case against Felicity is shown below. On account of Special Branch historical research material being on Felicity’s computer which was seized by Thames Valley police in 2006 on the basis of Daniel James Hart’s malicious allegations, Special Branch police interfered with the 2007 court case in the magistrates court to the detriment of  Felicity’s defence case management.

Felicity is a caring, intelligent and careful researcher who uses discretion. She has never sought to disclose information about historical informants in respect of Ireland’s troubles. In any event, it is highly improbable that any such disclosure wold have an effect on security matters of the present day (though of course there are intriguing historical explanations demonstrated by the Special Branch  documents.) The Special Branch interference in the June 2007 case at the Magistrates Court was very unusual and entirely unlawful


The Special Branch police attempt to extort £50,000.00 from Felicity Lowde in 2007 was very reprehensible in the circumstances.

In respect of the material that Felicity Lowde was investigating at Special Branch in 2004-2006. There is a publicity seeking scammer in the public domain who claims to be an ex policeman who was once a murder squad detective). Going by the name of Trevor Marriott, he makes numerous bizarre and dishonest claims on his website which need correcting here. Firstly he claims to have ‘independently discovered’ the existence of the Special Branch Ledgers in 2008. This is untrue: he found out about their existence via Felicity’s situation with them,which Felicity briefly published on the Internet in 2007. Felicity is to this day the only person in the public domain who has seen the Special Branch ledgers. Trevor Marriott discovered Felicity Lowde’s case and associated matters via the press and media in 2007. He will have read about the unlawful raids on her premises in Oxford (during one of these raids, one copy of Felicity’s photographs of the Special Branch ledgers were removed) and presumably, he incorrectly assumed that all perect orignal copies of Felicity’s photo evidence had been taken by the corrupt arresting police officers who invaded Felicity's house on the basis of the false allegations made by Daniel James Hart. 

Evidently, as an ambitious author, Trevor Marriot sought to profiteer from attacks on Felicity and her (at that time) corresponding silence. He sued  Special Branch for non release of the Special Branch ledgers, and in so doing, created  a furore of publicity in order to try to sell his books.  

Trevor Marriot’s books appear to be nonsense from start to finish. At no stage did he consult Felicity Lowde in respect of any of his actions. On his website Trevor Marriott publishes, without permission, two of Felicity’s photographs (taken and transferred from an old website), one of which he seems to have altered with black marker pen, describing the photo as having been altered by Special Branch and presented to him and to the court case he attended in that format. The other he publishes in complete form without permission from Felicity. 

Trevor Marriott now claims to have been on a quest to get the ledgers released by Special Branch police; this quest is nothing but a quest for his own publicity. Even basic facts about the ledgers, plagiarised from a few discrete claims Felicity made in 2007, he gets wrong. (Such as for example the annotation(s) about Randolph Spencer Churchill).  

Trevor Marriott’s ‘hobby detective’ suspects in respect of the ‘Jack the Ripper case’ do not figure in the ledgers atall. 

Among the hundreds of personal photographs that Felicity Lowde has of the Special Branch ledgers are photographs of 1880s Special Branch file titles which incorporate mentions of people specifically listed as Jack the Ripper suspects: the file titles reveal that they are public allegations noted by 1880s Special Branch in files that this secret police unit opened during their 1880s to 1890s era. There is no medical man listed as specifically associated with the scenes of the 1888 Whitechapel assassinations besides Henri Le Caron whose association with the scenes of crime is extensive, as noted by the ledgers. Trevor Marriott claims on his web page that Special Branch now state that they have destroyed “the two ledger books” and situates this claim beside exclamation marks in a stupid manner. An unreliable claim even at face value, as there are three ledger books in fact. (The upside of this is that the books may still be intact at Special Branch). 

Trevor Marriott wrote to Felicity on the  20th July 2020 stating that he had counted the (then) forty-five ledger photographs (all with informant’s mentioned names or code names carefully concealed) on her current blog page, and then he asked her to send him her collection of ledger photographs via email. The answer was no.  The book Trevor Marriott has published titled The Secret Police Files has yet to be seen by Felicity – it looks like genunely actionable nonsense. Profiteering from historical and present abuses of justice is despicable. Has anyone verified this socalled ex murder squad detective’s career? He claims there was an association between himself and Special Branch police during the course of his socalled past career police work, which appears to be untrue.

During the time leading up to Felicity Lowde’s appeal case hearing of May 2008 it was impossible for her to get any assistance with the concurrent Special Branch civil case (Special Branch suing her for publishing information on her blog) due to collusion among  some prominent law firms for example Bindmans – some of whom pretentiously advertise(d) that they took action against police misconduct and Human Rights abuses (which they don't, not when the case is a genuione one). Said law firms were all keen to maintain easy relationships with national newspapers and with News International media contacts. The partners at Hickman and Rose abandoned their duty towards Felicity and Mr. Noam Almaz in this regard. 

Magistrates and Judges of whichever status should know better than to play up to the abusive British mainstream Media and malicious internet mobs. So should all lawyers. The  disgraceful inadequate and vindictive Judge (sitting as a Magistrate) who tried Felicity in her absence in 2007, who did not look at the case evidence properly at all was very evidently playing up to the mainstream media and criminal mobs in her focus and her verdict. The 2008 appeal case Judge at Snaresbrook Crown Court was all for the defence on the first day of the appeal saying e.g. Is this the height of the prosecution case? and laughing at the prosecution. Then, overnight, he got a phone call,  possibly from a party with vested interests in the corrupt British press and media. He then went and saw the media lies and abuse on the web and went to town on undermining the defence (without grounds) for the rest of the appeal hearing. 

Preparation work for the 2008 appeal of the despicable April 2007 magistrates court verdict was subject to extreme stress at all times, partly due to Felicity Lowde’s dreadful circumstances of London homelessness (caused by the malicious prosecution case), and partly due to Mr. Noam Almaz’ sporadic commitment to the appeal case, due to his case overload (he was often handling thirty different defendant’s cases a week at this time). The significant stress placed on Felicity and Mr Noam Almaz was aggravated by strategic, malicious false allegations that the north London woman (the notorious liar) was making. Obsessive persecutor that she is, the North London woman was making false claims to the effect that Felicity had breached orders attached to the April 2007 conviction. The false allegations the north London woman (the notorious liar) made (from September 2007 – 2008) were designed to try to justify the orchestrated media abuse, to get Felicity confined to jail for no reason except to silence her further and to deploy the police to cause Felicity harassment, alarm and distress of the maximum kind. The malicious false allegations the north London woman (the notorious liar) was making were also designed to cause Felicity dangerous levels of stress and dangerous physical vulnerability and inconvenience). There was a deliberate design to  continuously harass and distract both Felicity and her lawyer and disrupt the appeal work, organised by the north London woman (the notorious liar), Daniel James Hart and their mutual associates. 

Felicity Lowde chose to remain homeless in London rather than burden her family during the 2007 – 2008 time. In the event, the persecution of Felicity in Oxford, a much smaller place, had been very focused, and it wasn’t safe for her to be there anymore at the time. 

False allegations that Felicity Lowde had breached orders attached to the conviction that was made in her absence in 2007 were thrown out of Court by a Judge when a case relating to these eventually came to court in September 2008. At around this time, it became apparent that some Judges who had not been involved in the case were concerned that a miscarriage of Justice seemed to have taken place. They treated Felicity as though she were a victim of a miscarriage of Justice. For example, a Judge in September 2008 told the CPS at the middle of a hearing “You can continue that argument if you like, but I’m advising you that I’m likely to reject it.” She continued to repeat this statement until they stopped their argument.

The Murdochs criminally minded NEWS INTERNATIONAL corporation began to be thoroughly exposed with ‘dirty hands’ (in Rupert Murdoch’s own words). London was again full of talk about action against the police. However, as usual, most of the time no action was taken for innocent miscarriage of justice victims unless a solicitor thought it was in his or her own mainstream media publicity interests. Sadly this is often still the case. 

Miscarriage of Justice victims are among the most vulnerable people in society. 

Campaigners against press abuse such as HACKED OFF (associated with the actor Hugh Grant) do not take care of the most serious victims of press and media abuses who are caught up in the justice system.  They consider it too risky, publicity wise, to care about them. The HACKED OFF campaign against press and media abuse has become corrupted, and now exclusively caters for celebrity types however corrupt and their close associates). Due to the influence of the actor Hugh Grant, the campaign has degenerated into an outlet for a small privileged group of celebrities who looking after their own interests. The plight of the non celebrity victims of press and media abuse and persecution has been completely ignored by the HACKED OFF organisation since its opening in 2012.

Between 2008 – 2016 Felicity Lowde was subjected to further malicious prosecutions, all of which were either rejected by the CPS directly, or thrown out by judges. All attempts at prosecuting Felicity during this period were unjust and false, obviously, and four were an outrage. One example of a very malicious attempt at a prosecution case was brought by supposed psychological counsellor Juliet Dwek Selley who Felicity had known in her school days and identified as a devious bully. (This attempt at a prosecution case was rejected at an early stage by the Crown Prosecution Service on the basis of ‘abuse of process’ and ‘no evidence’). 

When a person is exceptionally socially and legally vulnerable, the opportunistic abuses of Justice and process that go on, lead by people who are desperate to get their faces in the newspapers, are really disgraceful. 

In early 2016 a judge described the constant malicious persecution of Felicity Jane Lowde as an absolute disgrace to the British Justice system. The persecution of Felicity  has been phenomenal.

Advice to publisher : Although Felicity Lowde has a serious appeal case, attempts to defend her in public are often met with aggressive attempts to remove them by guilty parties who orchestrated the Miscarriage of Justice or have sought to benefit from it. These people’s behaviour, while despicable, is regrettably not uncommon in Miscarriage of Justice cases. If site regulators are met with any applications to remove this entirely lawful page please contact us on the blog email.




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